0428 793 202 (KAREN) or 0429 793 202 (STEVE)
32 Esplanade Queenstown, Tasmania 7467 AUSTRALIA
0429 793 202 (Steve)
Once you have made the journey across Tasmania, Queenstown is an ideal base from which to explore the attractions of Tasmania’s Western Wilderness. Unpack once, then experience the incredible scenery of Cradle Mountain, the historic harbour and cruising the Gordon River at Strahan, the tranquility of Corinna and the mountains of Lake St Clair – all are easy day trips from Queenstown.
Penghana’s address is 32 Esplanade, but driveway access is at the rear with entry via Preston St.
Drive along Driffield Street, past the Galley Museum, Empire Hotel (on your left hand side) where you will see a Penghana blue/yellow directional sign on the post out the front of the Railway Hotel.
Turn right at the Railway Hotel, cross the train tracks into Esplanade and drive ahead a short distance. The next Penghana sign (again blue/yellow) is on the corner of Esplanade and Preston Street). Turn right into Preston St, and drive for approximately 300 metres to our driveway, which is on your right.
Where Penghana Road concludes after you have passed the Mountain View Motel, enter Esplanade by taking the right fork into Esplanade at the small bridge. Here you will see a Penghana directional sign (blue/yellow) Follow Esplanade along a residential street until you will see the front of Penghana sitting above you.
Follow the next blue directional sign on the white fence whilst staying on Esplanade and then turn right into Preston Street and drive approximately 150 metres to our driveway.
Penghana’s Driveway is on the right hand side of Preston Street.
See our green letterbox with hanging sign “Penghana Bed & Breakfast”. Drive up the driveway for approximately 150 metres to the parking area. Walk along the pathway to the front door, and ring the bell.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Penghana is a member of Tasmania’s Best Bed and Breakfast Trail, a group of traditional bed and breakfast businesses with like-minded hosts, all located in popular regional destinations throughout Tasmania.
Take a look at the various suggested touring itineraries on the Lap of Tasmania website, to help you plan and enjoy your Tasmanian holiday.